Tuesday, July 31, 2007

ROCK'n to the MAX!

a fun attempt at doing a monocromatic. don't know why i chose the rocker girl, just thought the emotion/impact would be fun to try and get across. it's only my second digital painting, so give me more chances please. thanks...peace out homies...


Cole Sanchez said...

WHolly smokes PVOSE that rocks.

KIM said...

Babe, that's awesome!! No wonder the guy liked it. I wish I was that girl... Trés bien!

Justin Wright said...

Wow phil! Your blog is AWESOME! Keep stuff coming!

Sean Taylor said...


Anonymous said...

Phil thanks for the blog, your stuff is really inspiring. P-VOS!!!!!

Dave McClellan said...

I like that on both of your painting assignments you have been ambitious, painting charachters in environments instead of one or the other. Keep up the good work, man!

Cookedart said...

Hey there,

Found your blog through Ian's, in a manner of speaking.

Great stuff on your blog through and through - I liked your film as well - gets a great sense of mood across (a rather elusive thing to accomplish)

Anyways, I hope you keep posting your stuff - I'll be sure to file you under my links.

Jennifer Hager said...

Holy crap Phil! You can paint!!!

samacleod said...

What a great drawing!

Josh Dotson said...

Yo this is whats up PvOse! Nice... everything!

Heidi Smith said...

Phil V. this kicks major bum!! I love it!!

Ben Adams said...

P 'to the motha lovin' Vose!!!! this is great man. It is truley a painting of epic proportions.
p.s. am I aloud to tell people that we once cubed together??? okay man, I know--cubed... "near" ...each other. But, I mean, come on man, you and I both know, walls can't seperate love, man.