Monday, October 29, 2007

fun ideas for my film...

these are just a few quick comps i was thinking about for my film. no real thought into the design of the characters or layouts yet. can you guess what the story might be...if you can guess correctly, then you get a grand prize. anyways, cheers!

p.s. the last image doesn't really have anything to do with the story, that was just the drawing i did to build the concept of more. ok, ok.


Benny said...

Mom told me.

KIM said...

I like the compositions and designs so far. Especially the 'stuffing face with chips' shot. Keep it up! I want to see more! Seeing this stuff makes me want to get started on mine...

Noel Belknap said...

i have no idea what it will be but it looks amazing and i cant wait

Team Diana said...

I know what it's going to be about. In fact I knew before I even *saw* these pictures. Ha!

... because you told me. :)

Mad Max Winston said...

Night of the Easter Bunny...?

Anonymous said...

Phil can we guess if you told us the idea. i still want this grand prize, oh yea these comps freaking rock, you so good.