Saturday, November 10, 2007


this is a little girl that i was thinking about using for my film. kinda cute which fits all i have to do is figure out what her personality is...what she wants...what she's about...that kind of thing.

clowns! i really like clowns a lot, but with little time i wasn't able to push it to the limit i'd have liked, but i think there's an all right variety of character in these, maybe i'm wrong...i don't know anything...

it's fun time with the sketchbook...


Mad Max Winston said...

Your black and white monsters are awesome, mr. Phil!

Team Diana said...

I just don't understand your thing for clowns, dude.

Unknown said...

your post never cease to amaze me!

Matt Williames said...

THOSE CLOWNS ARE WICKED! Thanks for inspiring me!

Dillon Thompson said...

When did you draw me flexing? You sneeky guy.

Arica Tuesday said...

Awesome stuff Phil, especially the clowns. Teach me your ways.

Heidi Smith said...

I really like the naked hairy guy!!!....and the little girl is cute too!! Great stuff as usual PVOSE!

Melvina said...


Daron Leah Nefcy said...

awww Phil! everything you do is so great!

Andy Conroy said...

Phil! I love all of this great stuff dude!!

Anonymous said...
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Tom Scholes said...

dooooooooooooooood, update already! I need to see what you been up to mang!

Dillon Thompson said...

Hey listen to Tom. You need to feed us Utah guys news from the out side. Milk first, than meet.

Anonymous said...

my actual name is Carlo Vogele !
I'm honored, dude

Vi said...

Carlo Vigola??? I like it!