for some reason i enjoy the idea of evil rising to a drawing that is! the concept of something, a situation, a character so dark that it makes me feel a bit of discomfort. maybe i'm crazy, i don't know. but, this was something for an assignment we had to do involving textures. the evil thing's scales was roof shingles, the sky involved crazy waves from the ocean, and the rocks were cave textures mixed together. it was onto doing another one. hurray...cheers...
oh, if you want, come up with a story for this one too and let me know. i've got some ok ones brewing...
p.s. i know this picture doesn't show it exactly, but i love my family and friends. life is good for me at the moment and i really can't complain. i hope those of you who have that evil thing rising from the dark depths within, well i hope you can look to the bright side of life and get rid of that nasty thing. thank you God.
1 comment:
Dear Phil,
I just read your comment on my blog, and it means alot to me to hear you say that. I haven't been to your blog in a bit, but you never fail to amaze me. This is truly amazing work Phil, and I still say to myself, "what would Phil have done on this assignment"? Hope to see you sooner than later, take care my friend!
One of your biggest fans, Romney
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