since i've been away for a while with many stories to tell i'll just keep things simple and say happy holidays, and have a GREAT 2009!!! for me 2008 was a learning experience. lots of pain...lots...and many joys. i will say that i am a blessed man. thank you God for giving me a heart that beats and a brain that kinda works. any new year resolutions friends? i have a few actually...but i won't discuss them, haaaaa. well it's been swell.
p.s. this was something i did for me mum and step dad. i think they liked it.
Awesome dude :)
Happy new year!
Beautiful! Wonderful colors!
Very fantastic colors.
I wish you a Happy new year~
Hey Phil, this is really great, I like it when you look at a painting and you can feel the weather. When you gonna come give me a tutorial? Hope your having a good time and hope to see you soon
I feel sorry for countries without deciduous trees because they'll miss out on visuals like this. Come visit sometime!
Beautiful painting.
Your animations and concept are beautiful. I totally dig them.
your work is siiiiiiiiick!
wow, phil. This is really nice!
Hi Phil,
it's so good to see your work up ... it look great here too as it did at Disney. I miss you, Lisa
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