Saturday, March 19, 2011

PORTFOLIO be done!

check it out HERE!


Ryan Matias said...


Jushtin E. Lee said...

Phil...words escape me, are seriously one of the most talented people I know, hands down..

Scott Watanabe said...

Jeez who wouldn't want to hire an Artieeest such as yourself. Good job man

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL work, Phil!!! Wanna come make stuff with us again? :)

Anonymous said...

Hey phil, will you keep an eye out for my jaw, i'm pretty sure it dropped out around page one and i didn't notice until the adventure was over...keep dem eyes peeled!!!

ps. phil being my hero, there are certain jobs you must adhere to, ie. visiting, been wayyyyy too long!!

philip vose said...

thanks guys :-)

-heggster-i'll see you sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

dare i say it, the open show phil?!!! or Portfolio day?!! or Graduation lol.