Friday, May 20, 2011

test painting #2

this was another fun attempt at a mixed medium piece. it's about 22 3/4 x 20in. notice no character design bologna in it. the next one will be bigger with maybe a more abstract/subtextual meaning, and a character to fit the scene. but, i still have more flowy nature scenes filling my stomach and mind i need to get out. we will see.

ALSO, this is going to be auctioned off for a benefit to stop human trafficking. my kind friends Andres Salaff and Sunha Yoon are putting on the show where many other amazing friends will be showing work and selling it. come and show your support/and or BUY :)

check out the link HERE!


Team Diana said...

I LOVE IT! You are such a bad ass!

Dylan said...

totally love that.

Unknown said...

this is so beautiful!

samacleod said...

Wow, really love this piece. Thanks for sharing your process. So cool to see.

Alex Chechik said...

Damn beautiful. I love the lines you have flowing through the piece.

Leo Matsuda said...

really cool!! the line work reminds me of Van Gogh.

Unknown said...


Ying-Hsuan Chen said...

this is so lovely! it makes me feel warm and happy:)