Monday, May 12, 2008

OH...MY...GOSH!!! has been a long'ol time since I've touched this thing. I am so so sorry to all of you who enjoy checking this dump of a site out. Let me just tell you in brief that this was one heck of a year...SO INCREDIBLY ROUGH!!! As much as I want to go into specifics I don't think I will...for your sake. But, this is my final film from from my final year at cartoon college (CalArts.) I really really hope you enjoy it. Also, check out some of my portfolio work if you want that is on my link called PVose Portfolio. Some of it you may have seen before...

Anyways, CHEERS! Please feel free to leave me a comment, whether it be super nice or super mean one! I hope there's more to show and talk about in the future.


Tom Scholes said...

Phil ! Was just thinking about you and Jason today at work! The good ole days, yeehaw.

Loved the film dude, really really loved it. Such a great reveal at the end, powerful.

Write an email or something dude! Let me know how life is.

MJ Sandhe said...

FINALLY! Awesome film! I loooooooooooooved it! Whod you get call backs from?

Andy Conroy said...

Hey dude! LOVE the film. It was great. great idea. I thought the two guys rubbing the windows were awesome.

Dillon Thompson said...

DUDE This is so amazing!!! You have been busy it looks like. Well worth the wait. Is it ok to tell people that I used to smash hands with you?

Mad Max Winston said...

Here's a super mean comment: RRRRR you suck!!! Ha ha! Hey no I'm just joking. This is the first place I've seen your film! Very nice. I really always love your layouts and compositions. Dynamic! Wishing you good luck in the future.

Brian Brantley said...

This is my favorite film I've been able to check out online of this year's. I was checking your blog for awhile now for this update, glad you didn't abandon us. Best wishes in the future. All of you work has been really inspiring, and I think this is your best work yet.

Leo Matsuda said...

Your film was amazing, Phil! You were definitely one of the most talented kids I met at CalArts! keep rocking man! keep rocking!!!

Heidi Smith said...

My favorite film!!

Sam Nielson said...

Pretty awesome video! Had a great setup and a very satisfying ending.

Melvina said...

I know I'd be the umpteenth person you'd hear this banal comment from, but I really, really liked your film Phil! So Bravo!! I liked the music too which was fitting!

Cheers from FRance

Christian Robinson said...

You should be so proud of your film.
because it is great, good design, story and lots of heart.

Carrie Leigh said...

Hey Phil,
I've always liked your film, but this time it touched me in a whole new way. Such a beautiful message.

Anyway, keep making work from the heart and hang in there.